History - Celebrating 25 Years!
I took an herbalist course in 1998 and a form of this salve was one of the projects we had to complete. After researching some of the best herbs for skin healing I tinkered with the original salve formula a bit. I used my family as guinea pigs, asking them to use the salve for everything skin-related. Shortly after that my granddaughter (Meghan, shown at right) was born and my son and daughter-in-law used the salve on her bottom to help with severe diaper rash. It worked beautifully! It instantly soothed the burning rash and started the healing. Once her initial rash was cleared up, regular use helped keep her diaper rash away. The salve was a hit!
I gave out the salve to friends and family, telling them to use it for everything from burns to bee stings, cuts and scrapes, rashes, and of course, infant diaper rash. After a while, I started hearing, "You really should sell this stuff!"
In 2003, after a bit more research and learning of the natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties of lavender essential oil, I began adding some to the salve. It adds to the healing properties while imparting a soothing lavender fragrance. And I kept hearing, "You really should sell this stuff!" So I decided to do just that.
In 2018, lip balm was formulated and added to the salve lineup per customer request.

Granddaughter Meghan, almost 25 years after she was my first test case.
Insect bites & stings
Diaper rash
Allergic dermatitis
Scrapes & cuts
Cold sores/fever blisters (see below)
Poison ivy
Dry, scaly patches of skin
Fragile, thin skin
Painful, itchy hemorrhoids
Shingles rash
Skin moisturizer
Surgical incisions (speeds healing, minimizes scarring)
Dissolves skin tags - thank you to customer for this!
A proven remedy for a variety of conditions including:
This salve is safe and effective for all ages, including infants and children. One of the more popular uses is for diaper rash, even extreme cases that are resistant to prescription medication. It immediately soothes the burning and stinging, giving baby comfort while the healing begins.
This salve is safe and effective for animals large and small: hot spots, rashes, cuts, and abrasions. It speeds healing of surgical incisions. It is non-toxic and harmless if licked off.
All ingredients are organic and of the highest quality: extra virgin olive oil, pure beeswax, St. John's wort, calendula, comfrey, lavender essential oil. It has been made by hand in small batches for 25 years, with care and pride.
Cold sores/fever blisters: This salve is proven to cut severity and healing time in half. It is important to start using at the very first tingling sign of a problem. Massage salve in gently at the cold sore site, continuing to massage for about 10 seconds. Re-apply by gentle massaging action as often as necessary to keep the site moisturized. Many customers tell me this salve is the best thing they've used for cold sores/fever blisters. I can personally attest to this!